How Nice Women Can Have A Difficult Conversation

Do you tend to avoid conflict?

Yep, me too!

The words "conflict" and "confrontation" can sound scary, and I imagine Jack Nicholson screaming, "You can't handle the truth", in the courtroom scene from the movie, A Few Good Men.

Why does this confrontation style not work for many of us?

Because it's BULLYING, not communication.

It took me years to realize that I don't want to dominate a conversation. No one has to win or lose when we have a disagreement, either at work or at home.

There are a myriad of other outcomes beyond the win/lose dichotomy that will help us, heal us, and create stronger relationships in our lives.

Give me some of that!

That's why I created the "Open Communication Method", a simple system for my communication clients to speak more honestly and get your needs met.

Here is my Talking Points Guide to help you communicate what you need:

You can take a deeper dive into this topic when you listen to my podcast video episode, "Nice Women Can Have Difficult Conversations”. Listen HERE:

Stay Calm & Speak On,


International Voice Coach

Impact Vocal Coaching